
Godot 4 has a couple of renderer modes, and I had been mindlessly using the mobile renderer mode. Not realizing I would have to switch to compatibility renderer mode to be able to publish to web. This introduced 2 bugs:

  • jump didn't work
  • arrow billboards that guide the player towards the next track part weren't facing/scaling in the right direction

I do not yet understand what happened to the jump action but I fixed it by dramatically increasing the applied force. And as for the direction arrow guides, I quickly made an arrow mesh and used that instead of the label/billboard. Now the game looks and plays pretty much as I intended for this alpha version.

The only thing that still bugs me is that the game seems to take a long time to load, which doesn't happen when running the game "normally" (i.e.: not using the web based version). However, I don't have a clue as to what may be causing that and I'm not familiar enough with Godot to be able to troubleshoot it. I'm just gonna take some stabs at it and test some changes privately.

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